Elementary Summer Camps

Cooking and Garden Camps
Ages 5 -8
Our unique Farm Days camps explore culture, nature, cooking, and a love for the outdoors - all in our one-acre garden campus! Students will be lead by expert teachers in how to grow a garden and how to cook using seasonal produce. The camp will also explore the history of agriculture in California, arts and crafts, and more!
*Camp hours 9 AM – 3 PM
Early Birds Price: $665 (before May 1st)
Regular Price: $715
*Extended Care available for extra fee:
AM care (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM) $40
PM care (3PM – 5:30 PM) $160
Arts and Science Camps
Ages 5 -8 and Ages 8-12
Peregrine's unique SOAR program (Science, Outdoor Education, Arts, and Responsibility) offered in two-week camps provides an integrated inquiry experience. Each session students will be lead through a unique theme by our experienced specialty teachers. Students will be able to play in and explore our one-acre garden site every day!
*Camp hours 9 AM – 3 PM
Early Birds Price: $665 (before May 1st)
Regular Price: $715
*Extended Care:
AM care (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM) $40
PM care (3 PM – 5:30 PM) $160
Explorer & Biking Camps
Ages 9-12
Explorer camps, offered in two-week sessions, provide a chance to explore and document the outdoors through biking and documenting the natural world around them. Students will explore the great outdoors and adventure around Davis alongside our camp counselors through walks and bike rides. These are active camps meant for the adventurous child!
*Camp hours 9 AM – 3 PM
Early Birds Price: $695 (before May 1st)
Regular Price: $765
*Extended Care:
AM care (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM) $40
PM care (3 PM – 5:30 PM) $160
ALL Elementary Camps are two-weeks long and are located on our South Davis Campus, 2650 Lillard Dr, Davis, CA 95618
For all camps $150 non-refundable deposit per camp is required to reserve a spot.
Remaining camp price is due by June 2nd 2025.
Campers bring their own lunch and snacks.
Camp 1: 6/16-6/27/2025*
Cooking and Garden: session 1
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
*Camp Peregrine is open June 19th. We will include Juneteenth in our camp curriculum.
Camp 2: 6/30-7/11/2025*
Cooking camp: session 2
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
* July 4th Independence Day (No Camp)
Camp 3: 7/14-7/25/2025
Cooking and Garden: session 3
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
Camp 4: 7/28-8/8/2025
Cooking and Garden camps: session 4
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
Camp 1: 6/16-6/27/2025*
Arts and Science Camps: session 1
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
*Camp Peregrine is open June 19th. We will include Juneteenth in our camp curriculum.
Camp 2: 6/30-7/11/2025*
Arts and Science Camps: session 2
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
* July 4th Independence Day (No Camp)
Camp 3: 7/14-7/25/2025
Arts and Science Camps: session 3
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
Camp 4: 7/28-8/8/2025
Arts and Science Camps: session 4
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
Camp 1: 6/16-6/27/2025*
Explorer Camp: Session 1
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
*Camp Peregrine is open June 19th. We will include Juneteenth in our camp curriculum.
Camp 2: 6/30-7/11/2025*
Explorer Camp: session 2
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
*July 4th Independence Day (No Camp)
Camp 3: 7/14-7/25/2025
Explorer Camp: session 3
Description and camp theme coming up soon!
Camp 4: 7/28-8/8/2025
Explorer Camp: session 4
Description and camp theme coming up soon!