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Update - May 3rd, 2020

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

Dear Peregrine Community,

This has been a challenging time, but we have good news! We will continue with distance learning through the end of the current academic year and we plan to reopen for Summer and Fall. We want to recognize our exceptional teaching staff for doing an amazing job of distance teaching, YOU, OUR WONDERFUL FAMILIES, for sticking with us, and of course, our extraordinary students for working hard under difficult circumstances. 

The purpose of this letter is to inform you about our plans. Know that the dates in this letter are tentative. As government mandates change, our plans may also need to evolve. Based on what we’ve learned, we now believe that we can run our school safely for the summer and the upcoming 2020-2021 school year with modifications, as long as needed. 

Government Safety Guidelines: For now, preschools may have a maximum class size of 10, and elementary aged summer camps may have a maximum size of 12 students per summer camp. Classes of children will not be able to mix with each other, so that in case of illness, only one classroom will have to be monitored or quarantined, not the entire school. The school will be required to work with staff, families, and local health officials to trace COVID-19 exposure.

This means that different groups of students will rotate through different outdoor spaces, which will be sanitized in between. All students will have their temperatures taken before entering school each day, and will be closely watched for illness during the day. We will need you to remain with your child until they are cleared to go into their classroom. A strict regimen of sanitizing, beyond our usual cleaning routines, will occur every day with extra personnel to help do it. These are some of the additional safety measures that we will be taking. We are lucky that we have such expansive outdoor spaces, which will allow more flexibility than some settings, and will enable children to spend time outside; something we value a great deal.

While these rules will be challenging to follow, we are eager to keep our school going, to be able to be together, and to be safe. Please help us to model the strong and resilient community we want to be for our children at this time, and all times. 

More Summer Camp/Session Details

ECC Camps/Sessions will run from July 6 - August 21. 

Elementary Camps will run as planned from June 15 - August 17. We apologize for conflicting dates in previous emails. If any camp/session is cancelled by Peregrine School due to COVID-19 related mandates, families will be refunded payments in full.

Elementary camps will proceed as planned from June 15 - August 7 but with shortened  Extended Day Care hours. Camps will run  from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. However, Extended Day Care will only be offered from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. instead of 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. We apologize for this change, which is unavoidable due to our inability to mix students between classrooms. For families who already signed up for Extended Day Care in the summer, you will receive a partial refund. You do not need to do anything.

Our Elementary Camps include STEAM, SOAR, and  robotics. For more information about  our summer program, including registration, please visit our webpage at Help spread the word!

Primaria and Pandas Summer Camps will run as planned from July 6 - August 14 at both sites (sessions 2, 3, and 4). SESSION 1 camps are cancelled. Camps will run from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. However, Extended Day Care will not be offered. We apologize for this change, which is unavoidable due to our inability to mix students between classrooms. For families who already signed up for Extended Day Care in the summer, you will receive a refund. You do not need to do anything.

There will be an extra week of camp offered from August 17-21. Please register online.

El Nido and Escuelita Summer Sessions will be adapted as follows to allow for careful integration of our youngest students:

  1. Sessions: Session I will run from July 6-31 (4 weeks); Session 2 will run from August 2-21 (3 weeks). 

  2. Camp time: El Nido and Escuelita programs will run  from 8 a.m. - 12 noon Monday through Friday at both sites. 

  3. Services: For the summer only, ECC will be an enrichment program only, with no lunch or naps. Children will need to bring their own snacks.

El Nido and Escuelita Summer Session 1 will be $900. 

El Nido and Escuelita Summer Session 2 will be $675.

We understand that families need daycare, and expect to reopen our full time programs from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. in the Fall, starting Tuesday, August 25. Our staff will need to make many adaptations as we help our preschool children to remain socially distanced while having a positive experience. ECC classes will remain small and self-contained, probably through the next school year. We will do everything in our power to serve all of our families, but please understand that we must conform to strict safety mandates which determine class size and many other factors. 

Despite the challenges, we are committed to providing our usual enriched program, including languages, science, outdoor education, the arts and socio-emotional development. 

How you can help: As we move toward reopening, we are seeking advice from any mental health or trauma expert to make this next transition as smooth as possible for our staff and students. Lastly, help us spread the word that Camp Peregrine will be open this Summer!  

We are very excited to reopen this Summer, and we hope to see you there! More information Summer Camp/Session regarding staffing, expectations, and routines will be announced in the upcoming weeks. We thank you for your patience as we figure out all the details regarding our plans. Please reply with any questions you may have. Sincerely,

Gabriela Cortez, Preschool Director

Chris Erickson, Elementary Director

Fabiola Vidrio, West Site Director 

Yi Che, Chinese Programs Director


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